How to write workflows

How to add syntax highlighting

In Atom/Sublime Text, set the syntax highlighting for .rf files as the Go (golang) syntax. It's not perfect but it's something.


The basic unit of Reflow are functions which execute one or more specific commands on input files. In this example, the function Compute takes three arguments, r1 and r1 which are both lists of file objects, the name of the sample, and a string of kmer sizes to use.

exec must specify the docker image that is used, and other arguments like mem , cpu , and disk are optional. I suspect they have fairly small but reasonable defaults.

Notice that the output variable signature of exec is used in the command itself. This is important as the output of each command must be tracked. If a command outputs many files, the output can be of type dir instead of file.

// Compute a minhash signature for a sample
func Compute(r1, r2 [file], name, ksizes string) = 
    exec(image := sourmash, mem := 4*GiB, cpu := 2) (signature file) {"
        /home/main/anaconda2/bin/sourmash compute --track-abundance --ksizes {{ksizes}} --name {{name}} --output {{signature}} {{r1}} {{r2}}

Basic workflow

When first writing a workflow, I recommend using a single sample to make sure you know it works. Here's the Compute function above written out to work with the images and files. Save this text to a file named sourmash.rf and try running it with reflow run sourmash.rf

// Name of the docker image to use, i.e. this docker image is located
// at
val sourmash = "czbiohub/sourmash"

// Compute a minhash signature for a sample
func Compute(r1, r2 [file], name, ksizes string) = 
    exec(image := sourmash, mem := 4*GiB, cpu := 2) (signature file) {"
        /home/main/anaconda2/bin/sourmash compute --track-abundance --ksizes {{ksizes}} --name {{name}} --output {{signature}} {{r1}} {{r2}}

// Create a file for each element in the `read1s`, `read2s` string array
// Now `r1`, `r1` are arrays of files
val r1 = [file("s3://czbiohub-maca/remux_data/170907_A00111_0051_BH2HWLDMXX/rawdata/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36_R1_001.fastq.gz)]
val r2 = [file("s3://czbiohub-maca/remux_data/170907_A00111_0051_BH2HWLDMXX/rawdata/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36_R2_001.fastq.gz)]
val sample_id = "N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36"
val ksizes = "21,31,51"
val output_signature = "s3://olgabot-maca/facs/sourmash/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36.signature"

val signature = Compute(r1, r2, sample_id, ksizes)

// Instantiate the system modules "files" (system modules begin
// with $), assigning its instance to the "files" identifier. To
// view the documentation for this module, run "reflow doc
// $/files".
val files = make("$/files")

val Main = files.Copy(signature, output_signature)

How to write a workflow with arguments

Since you'll likely want to change the inputs to the function, let's expand upon our previous sourmash.rf file to one that can take command line arguments.

To add command line arguments, use the keyword param. Required arguments are specified by their file type only, in this case, read1 , read2 , sample_id and output_signature are all required. However, optional arguments are specified with their default value, in this case ksizes has the default value "21,31,51" . The rest of the function is largely the same except for some string processing that allows for multiple fastqs to be input.

param (
    // S3 path to read1 of the fastq/fasta file. If multiple files, 
    // can be pipe-separated e.g. sample1_01.fastq|sample1_02.fastq
    read1 string

    // S3 path to read2 of the fastq/fasta file. If multiple files, 
    // can be pipe-separated e.g. sample1_01.fastq|sample1_02.fastq
    read2 string

    // Identifier of the sample
    sample_id string

    // Full s3 file location to put the sourmash signature
    output_signature string

    // Size of kmer(s) to use
    ksizes = "21,31,51"

// Name of the docker image to use, i.e. this docker image is located
// at
val sourmash = "czbiohub/sourmash"

// Compute a minhash signature for a sample
func Compute(r1, r2 [file], name, ksizes string) = 
    exec(image := sourmash, mem := 4*GiB, cpu := 2) (signature file) {"
        /home/main/anaconda2/bin/sourmash compute --track-abundance --ksizes {{ksizes}} --name {{name}} --output {{signature}} {{r1}} {{r2}}

// Instantiate system module "strings" to split on "|" character
val strings = make("$/strings")

// Split each read string by the pipe "|" to get individual s3 paths
val read1s = strings.Split(read1, "|")
val read2s = strings.Split(read2, "|")

// Create a file for each element in the `read1s`, `read2s` string array
// Now `r1`, `r1` are arrays of files
val r1 = [file(read1) | read1 <- read1s]
val r2 = [file(read2) | read2 <- read2s]

val signature = Compute(r1, r2, sample_id, ksizes)

// Instantiate the system modules "files" (system modules begin
// with $), assigning its instance to the "files" identifier. To
// view the documentation for this module, run "reflow doc
// $/files".
val files = make("$/files")

val Main = files.Copy(signature, output_signature)

The previous workflow can be run with the command line:

reflow run sourmash.rf \
    -read1=s3://czbiohub-maca/remux_data/170907_A00111_0051_BH2HWLDMXX/rawdata/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36_R1_001.fastq.gz \
    -read2=s3://czbiohub-maca/remux_data/170907_A00111_0051_BH2HWLDMXX/rawdata/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36/N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36_R2_001.fastq.gz \
    -sample_id=N8-MAA000612-3_9_M-1-1_S36 \